Welcome to the Mustard Patch!

Where we wrestle with faith and life. Join us - and let's grow together.

Janet Beagle

Recently on the Mustard Patch...

The Sound of Snow

Reflections on the linguistics of snow and the sound snow makes. Also, God. You may have heard that Eskimo languages have more words for snow than the English language. Because I try not to share an urban legend without some attempt at the zig-zag origins of obscure facts, I went to that ever-faithful resource Google.…

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At a recent Bible study, the pastor had us meditate on an excerpt of Jeremiah 29:11: For surely I know the plans I have for you… to give you a future with hope (NRSV). We were asked to identify the most important word in the verse. I started with hope, others started with give, one…

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Add Some Creative to your Christmas

I once took a baby pig to pet pictures with Santa. (Yes, a real piglet.) And I once landscaped a roommate’s bed with castaways from the university compost pile. The masterpiece was complete with past-bloom mums, dried corn stalks, and a carefully curated stone wall. (Don’t worry, I covered the bed with thick black plastic…

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God's Character

If faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains, imagine what a whole patch can do!

Janet and Black Dog

About Janet and The Mustard Patch

Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. Her writing has appeared in numerous publications including The Word in Season, The Secret Place, and Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse and Clubhouse, Jr., among others. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.