God’s Character
The Lost Art of Writing Christmas Cards. (And Some Things We Should Maybe Lose Instead)
Right now, I could be writing my Christmas cards. Instead, I’m going to write about writing my Christmas cards. Except this post is not really about writing Christmas cards. Pay close attention. You see, I’ve always loved writing Christmas cards. (It’s the writer thing, don’t judge.) I used to spend a solid two weeks writing…
Peace, Sock Lint and How There is Nothing New Under the Cover (Except there is)
“Peace. Be still,” Jesus said. He was talking to a storm at the time, but I’m pretty sure he tells me the same thing quite often. “Storm” could be middle my name some days. I like this verse, even though I don’t abide by it very often. I used to do an annual camping trip…
The Price and Cost of the Ultimate Freedom
Unless you’re an accountant, you’ve probably never thought about the difference between price and cost. I didn’t until today. But while we may use the words interchangeably, there is a notable difference. Cost is what it takes to produce something; price is what someone pays for it. This is straight forward when we’re talking about…
Don’t Mess with Mama Bird (A reflection on the soft fierceness of a mother’s love)
In the tree outside my window there is a little nest. On the electrical line that runs not far away there is a giant black bird. This is not a good combination. From the oversized tail feathers and the car-alarm-competing cry, my bird book tells me the giant black bird is a great tailed grackle.…
A Red Pencil Trail
My arsenal was my Bible and a red pencil. I didn’t think about how long it would take or the rationality of my approach. I wanted to know: what does it mean to love God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength? If this is the greatest commandment, which it is clearly stated to…
Making Sense of it All
“It doesn’t have to make sense, it has to make faith.” I was in a small group discussion where one of the ladies was relaying a conversation she had with a pastor. As someone who likes to make sense of everything, I was struck by this point. Sometimes things would be easier to endure if…
How I Started Recycling: An analogy of our Father’s method for change
I recycle because I have a friend who recycles. I mean, I have a friend who recycles. She carries a bag with her when she goes on walks simply so she can pick up trash. When she comes to visit, she brings me all the recyclables she can’t recycle in her own town, because my town…
Who Invented Dental Floss
I heard the comment once that conversations never end in ”I don’t know” anymore. Inevitably someone will whip out their cell phone and ask Siri, and the answer magically will appear. This was certainly the case for me the other night when I was – you guessed it – flossing my teeth. Perhaps you’ve never…
Like a Shower of Leaves
I had forgotten the sound, but I remember it now. Standing in a New England woods, watching the autumn leaves drift through the canopy, I flash back. I remember tumbling through giant piles of leaves, the scratch of rakes against the lawn, the smell of old work gloves and leafy tannins. I remember the sunlight,…
Coming After Me
This post was first shared at Enjoy! Anyone living in my region has probably noticed the freak snowstorms we’ve had three of the last four Wednesdays. I’m pretty sure it’s my fault. Let me explain. The other day I was listening to a video where Cory Asbury talks about his song Reckless Love. And…

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Meet Janet!
Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.