
Part of the Picture

Not too long ago I attended a retreat for work.  An hour of the day was designated for “Team Building Exercises.” (Everybody groan.) Actually, I’m one of those rare people who likes team building exercises. Such exercises lack the benefits of organic conversation, but the larger and more segmented an office becomes, the more helpful…

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Today’s Question

What made YOU smile today? This flower may look brilliant enough to be a standard stock image, but it is actually a picture a friend sent me – the result of her gardening (and photographic) prowess!  It made me smile.  How about you? From the fullness of His grace, we have all received one blessing…

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The Trail

Take a moment and think about a trail. What comes to mind?  I immediately think of a wooded hiking trail, but when I stop to think about it, that’s only one small facet of the term.  There are a lot of note-worthy trails.  In the United States alone there are trails shrouded in historical tragedy,…

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Three Things My Friends Know About Me

If you read these blogs, you know a little about the things I think about, but you probably don’t know a whole lot about ME.  So here’s a post that breaks with my usual content to give you some insider insights.  If you were to ask my friends about some of the quirky things I…

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Biblical Hebrew: Week 1

Allow me to tell you what I think I know about the Hebrew alphabet. There are 23 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.  Some people say there are 26.  And immediately we come upon the main lesson of Week 1: In Biblical Hebrew, there is an alternate opinion, spelling, symbol, and/or pronunciation for just about everything.…

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The other night I went to the grocery store to buy ice cream.  It was on sale, and I was really looking forward to a carton of my favorite, Cookies and Cream.  Unfortunately, as is often the case with sale items, there was no Cookies and Cream in sight. Sigh. I was standing in the…

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Blackberry Season

Once upon a time I made the mistake of giving my dog a blackberry. In order to understand the seriousness of this mistake, you have to understand something about my dog.  You see, my dog Marly seems to think that God was talking exclusively to her when He said in Genesis 1:30: “To every beast…

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Welcoming the Unexpected

There is a boy singing with the most amazing voice. That isn’t how I was going to begin this blog, but let me tell you, if you were here and could hear his voice, that’s all you’d be able to say too.  I wasn’t listening to the intro, so I didn’t catch his name, but…

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This weekend, I began reading Hebrew.  I don’t mean the book of Hebrews; I mean the language Hebrew. Although to be honest, I didn’t actually read Hebrew so much as I just looked at it.  “Reading” implies comprehension. I am signed up to take a Biblical Hebrew class this fall.  I am really looking forward…

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I’m back again.  Writing at the Citizen’s Band.  I wasn’t going to let you know that.  I was going to write about picking blackberries.  But now that I’m here, I just can’t help it.  Because something unexpected has happened. It’s different. It’s about 90 degrees, even in the sinking sun.  People are fanning themselves with…

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Duct Tape

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Janet Beagle
Meet Janet!

Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.