The other night I went to the grocery store to buy ice cream. It was on sale, and I was really looking forward to a carton of my favorite, Cookies and Cream. Unfortunately, as is often the case with sale items, there was no Cookies and Cream in sight. Sigh. I was standing in the…
Welcoming the Unexpected
There is a boy singing with the most amazing voice. That isn’t how I was going to begin this blog, but let me tell you, if you were here and could hear his voice, that’s all you’d be able to say too. I wasn’t listening to the intro, so I didn’t catch his name, but…
This weekend, I began reading Hebrew. I don’t mean the book of Hebrews; I mean the language Hebrew. Although to be honest, I didn’t actually read Hebrew so much as I just looked at it. “Reading” implies comprehension. I am signed up to take a Biblical Hebrew class this fall. I am really looking forward…
I’m back again. Writing at the Citizen’s Band. I wasn’t going to let you know that. I was going to write about picking blackberries. But now that I’m here, I just can’t help it. Because something unexpected has happened. It’s different. It’s about 90 degrees, even in the sinking sun. People are fanning themselves with…
I am practicing being able to write anyplace. I admire those people who can write anyplace. People like that often say, “If I needed peace and quiet to write I would never get anything written!” I agree. The difference is that they fall into the “manage to get it done” category and I fall into…
Blog by Friday
Earlier this week I had the startling realization that I have not posted a blog in a month. I pledged that I would write a blog by Friday. At the beginning of the week, that seemed so doable. It’s not that I don’t have any ideas. I have lots of ideas. The problem, as I…
Here’s an interesting game to play. Someone shout out a word… what’s the first Bible passage that springs to mind? Perhaps someday I’ll study enough Hebrew and Greek to attempt an original language word study. But for now, here is a word study in English. Stick with me here, this is cool. When I think…
The Other Christian
Along one of my favorite hiking trails there is a bench that overlooks a little pond. Sometimes there are swans there. I’ve yet to determine whether they are naturally migrating swans or if they were deposited here, but I often like to pause on my hike and sit to watch them. This past weekend as…
Spring Blooms
I was taking my morning walk this morning as I usually do – with my eyes half shut. Someplace between leaving my front door and returning is where I typically wake up. This morning my point of waking up occurred when I was turning for home and noticed someone standing off the road taking a picture. I…

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Meet Janet!
Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.