Interesting Message
I came across an interesting sermon on the radio last night while driving in my car. It was interesting enough that I sat there an extra five minutes to hear the end of it. Michael Ramsden, part of the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries team, was giving a message on the uniqueness of Christ in fulfilling…
Speed Reading
At any given moment, I have a stack of at least a dozen books that I am reading concurrently. Some end up taking me months to read; others ensnare me and I finish them in days. But always there is this stack, beckoning me. I listen to books on CD in the car and around…
The Ending of the Easter Story
Jesus the Christ was put to death on Good Friday, but that is not the end of the story. Very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb…And looking up, they saw that the stone had been rolled back – it was very large. And…
A Good Friday Greeting
I have often wondered what the appropriate greeting for Good Friday should be. You can’t say “Happy Good Friday” or even, “I hope you have a good Good Friday.” Good Friday is a day to commemorate something that is definitely neither happy nor good… even when we know the rest of the story. But I feel like there should…
The Beginning of the Easter Story
Jesus the Christ was born on Christmas Day, but that is not the beginning of the story. The coming of Jesus was foretold throughout the Old Testament. The prophets announced throughout Israel’s history that a Messiah would come. But even that is not the beginning of the story. We could argue that the Easter Story…
Flying Sushi
The other night I went to a sushi restaurant with some friends. We rode a motorboat across the lake to a giant floating raft that housed the restaurant. We were ushered into a long rectangular room where we sat on low benches. Japanese waitresses in colorful flowing gowns walked quietly among the tables filling plates…
Cooking Tip #5: How to Crack an Egg
Not so very long ago, a friend lent me a book called Cooking for Geeks. This book was intended to explain, in precise and empirical language that a scientist like me could appreciate, exactly how to do amazing things in the kitchen. Like fry an egg without causing an explosion. I’m not sure it achieved…
Free Hugs!
Yesterday as I was walking across campus I passed a small group of students dressed in red t-shirts with permanent black marker emblazoned across the front: FREE HUGS =) Perhaps they were taking a page out of the book of the Purdue University Compliment Guys, or perhaps they were just trying to spread some…
If Life Were Like the Super Bowl
This week at a Bible study, my pastor lead us through an interesting discussion beginning with the question, “If life were like the Super Bowl, what would our role be?” I liked his analogy so much, I decided to share it. Credit for this analogy goes to my pastor; any misrepresentations in my embellishments are…
MBI Founder’s Week
There are some powerful music and messages coming out of Moody Bible Institute’s Founder’s Week. If you’re interested, you can listen online or find a broadcasting station at Sessions will continue through Friday. The theme verse is I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus…

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Meet Janet!
Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.