
Biblical Chronology

For the last several weeks (okay, months) I have been doing a self-study of the New Testament epistles using one of my pastor’s former seminary books: The Word of the Lord Grows: A one volume guide to a fuller understanding of the origin, purpose, and meaning of the New Testament by Martin H. Franzmann.  It…

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Southern Hospitality

Not too long ago, a visitor came to town.  I met with her briefly in my office and arranged a couple of meetings for her.  I gave her my phone number and told her if she had any trouble over the weekend to give me a call.  I thought I was being hospitable. I am…

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Tower of Babel

I was sitting in the Moscow airport when I heard it. After four days in Russia, I had managed to increase my Russian vocabulary by 400%.  From zero words to four:  tea, thank you, no, yes.  In that order, apparently the four most critical words for a traveller to Moscow.  Or at least the four…

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Thought of the Day

Paraphrase from Professor Timothy B. Shutt: If we aren’t careful, we can make a god out of our idea of God. Certainly made me stop and think.  Perhaps all those times God is not acting how we expect, He is simply smashing idols. I am who I am… You shall have no other gods before…

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There are some who say that it is so much work getting ready for a vacation that it is not even worth trying to take one.  As I’m racing through this week, I cannot help but think they have a point.  But it’s not going to stop me.  This week I am clinging to Exodus…

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Good Samaritan

There is a philanthropic sales strategy that goes like this: Ask for a very large donation, and when they say no, ask for a smaller donation.  They will be so relieved at the opportunity to clear their conscience of saying no the first time that far more people will say yes to this smaller donation…

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Going Through, Part II

Click to read Part 1. When I was writing the first “Going Through” article a couple of months ago (seriously, where does the time go??) I was already thinking of part 2.  Unfortunately, rather than sitting right down and writing it then, which would have been the smart thing to do, I waited.  Now, I…

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Question of the Day

Does something need to be logical to be true? I suspect the answer is no.  But what, then, is the purpose of logic?

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Something More

My dog does not understand how I can sit for hours flipping pages in a book.  I hold it out to her, but she sniffs it disdainfully and walks away.  Where I see another whole world, she sees only ink and paper.  My book is utter foolishness to her who cannot read. As I’m thinking…

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Brazilian Barbecue

This past weekend I was invited to a barbecue with some Brazilians.  I jumped at the chance.  First of all, because seriously, how fun is that?  And secondly, I have a work trip to Brazil this fall.  This was a prime opportunity to make some contacts and glean some tips for a first time visitor.…

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Duct Tape

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Janet Beagle
Meet Janet!

Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.