Give it to God
Do you know what I love most about the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand? I love the boy with the fish. We know this story so well. We know how crowds of men, women, and children followed Jesus until he stopped to speak with them. We know how the day grew late, the…
Start With What You Have
As I think about this month’s article, three interrelated Bible stories keep crowding around in my head: Elijah visiting the widow (1 Kings 17), Jesus feeding the 5000 (Mark 6:30-44), and the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-28). These are important stories for anytime, but perhaps even more so for this annual season of reflection…
Joy of Giving
One night as I was reading my Bible – I don’t recall exactly what passage, but it was one that referenced our future in heaven when we would spend our time singing praises at the throne of God – I had one of those all-American, in-the-flesh, I-can’t-believe-I just-thought-that thoughts. I thought: what’s in it for…
Here’s something I need to hear, so I’m going to tell you, too: Sometimes God has a different plan. My mother sometimes laments how her days often do not turn out the way she expected. “I can have my whole day planned,” she’ll say, “and it can turn out completely different. We’re just not in…
What can one learn by pet sitting a friend’s dog for two weeks? An appreciation for one’s own dog, who is quiet and does not pee in the house, perhaps. But, I suspect the answer is supposed to be a bit deeper than that. One night, early on in the visit, while “Ricky” was sitting…
I was having one of those days – a whole string of them, actually – where it felt as though I spent every workday perched atop some amusement park ride called “The Scrambler.” Through sheer force of will, I repeatedly managed to eject myself at the end of the day, only to turn around and…
God is like Priceline, Part II
If you’re like me, you read last month’s article and felt there was a little something missing. What about those times when you don’t know what God is telling you to do? When you’re faced with a decision and you have no idea which way to go? How can you tell God, “Yes, I”ll book…
God is Like Priceline, Part I
I was reading the later chapters of Exodus one evening – the part where God is instructing the Israelites how to establish the tabernacle, the ark of the covenant, the altar, and the priestly garments – and it struck me how nice it would be sometimes if God were always that explicit with us. He…
“Morel” Dilemma
I was first introduced to the concept of mushroom hunting when I lived in southern Illinois. One of my lab mates was shocked to learn that I had never hunted deer, and even more shocked that I have never been hunting at all. The conversation went something like this: “You’ve never been hunting?” She asked.…
Our Exoskeleton
Spring is here! I love the smell of freshly churned dirt still cool from its winter sleep, just waiting to burst forth with new growth. And of course, it’s always nice to see the gardener’s friend, a true sign of quality soil: the earthworm. Earthworms are fascinating. Unlike most other similarly squishy creatures, earthworms have…

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Meet Janet!
Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.