
Crazed. Or Not. Finding Balance in the Midst of Extremes.

There is a good kind of stress. If you’ve always thought of stress as a four letter word in the plural, then this may come as a surprise. But it’s true. It’s even reasonable, once I stopped to consider it. An environment with absolutely no stress is an environment void of stimulation or purpose. As…

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How I Started Recycling: An analogy of our Father’s method for change

I recycle because I have a friend who recycles. I mean, I have a friend who recycles.  She carries a bag with her when she goes on walks simply so she can pick up trash.  When she comes to visit, she brings me all the recyclables she can’t recycle in her own town, because my town…

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One Thing I Do: Forgiveness

Reflecting on this, I had a thought that was revelatory to me: forgiveness brings healing; it does not undo what happened.

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Oh Well

It was not a new joke. And it was not funny the first 400 times I heard it. Then one day, years later, the unthinkable happened.

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An Act in Due Season

before you start thinking this is just another cute puppy story, let me stop you right there. During this valentine’s season when so much attention is placed on the emotion of love, let me suggest we place some attention on the practicality of love.

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Who Invented Dental Floss

I heard the comment once that conversations never end in ”I don’t know” anymore. Inevitably someone will whip out their cell phone and ask Siri, and the answer magically will appear. This was certainly the case for me the other night when I was – you guessed it – flossing my teeth. Perhaps you’ve never…

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Shoveling Rain

The storm started as rain. Cold and pelting. Then sluicing. Then softer. The quality of the sound changed, the texture of the rain changed, and I knew it was time for action. By the time I bundled into winter gear and opened the door, giant white flakes were soaking into the wetness. Slush coated every…

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Like a Shower of Leaves

I had forgotten the sound, but I remember it now. Standing in a New England woods, watching the autumn leaves drift through the canopy, I flash back. I remember tumbling through giant piles of leaves, the scratch of rakes against the lawn, the smell of old work gloves and leafy tannins. I remember the sunlight,…

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Leadership Lessons in a Blade of Grass

There is an opportunity in between all of that to have a real impact. Here’s how.

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Hope in the Sticky Middle

Hope in the sticky middle means having gratitude for today’s gifts while we still pursue a brighter tomorrow.

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Duct Tape

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Janet Beagle
Meet Janet!

Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.