Washed Away
This post was first shared at Special thank you to C.J. for sharing her artwork. Photo credits to J. Canino. I hope you enjoy! Hours of careful effort had etched the colorful chalk drawings into the sidewalk. They were there to brighten the day of the neighborhood and the mail carrier. They certainly brightened…
Coming After Me
This post was first shared at Enjoy! Anyone living in my region has probably noticed the freak snowstorms we’ve had three of the last four Wednesdays. I’m pretty sure it’s my fault. Let me explain. The other day I was listening to a video where Cory Asbury talks about his song Reckless Love. And…
Mercy. A Story of Unrequited Love
This post was first shared at, and I wanted to also share with you! I’m conducting a little Bible study. You’re welcome to come along if you’d like. It starts with the second greatest commandment – to love our neighbor. In Luke 10, the expert in the law wanted to know how to define…
To My Future Former Self
This post was first shared at RE: My Advice Date: January 2020 I know you cringe when you’re told too flippantly to keep your chin up and everything will be fine. I know what you’re thinking: “You have no idea how this will actually end for me.” Oh, we know that all things work…
Traffic Stop
This post also appears at I’m sitting in traffic as I write this. I don’t mean the backed-up-at-a-red-light kind of traffic. I wish I could write a blog post that quickly. No, I’m talking about the “highway is closed ahead due to two semis and a truck” kind of traffic. That’s according to a…
Bird or Leaf
“It’s a game you’d like,” my friends insisted. As they waited for their daughter to finish her activities, they would ponder whether the sudden flutter on a distance branch was a bird or a leaf. “It’s harder than you might think,” they said. “So how do you decide which it is?” I asked. “Well, once…
A Tribute to Fasting and Grief
A post I wrote this week for Inspire a Fire The details of my experience aren’t significant, but the lessons are. A few months ago I did my first-ever fast. Let me tell you what l learned. First, once I knew the fast was approaching, I became hyper-aware of everything I ate. I expected…
The Law is Gentle
I first posted this thought at Martin Luther famously said that God’s Law serves three purposes. First, it acts as a curb to prevent violent outbursts of sin. Think of a curb along a road, or a curb bit in a horse’s mouth. The law is like that barrier saying “you can come this…

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Meet Janet!
Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.