God’s Character

Bird or Leaf

“It’s a game you’d like,” my friends insisted. As they waited for their daughter to finish her activities, they would ponder whether the sudden flutter on a distance branch was a bird or a leaf. “It’s harder than you might think,” they said. “So how do you decide which it is?” I asked. “Well, once…

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Love Springs

Anyone who thinks that spring is gentle has never really paid attention.  And anyone who thinks that love is gentle has never really been in love.

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That Still Small Voice

Father’s Day. Let your conscience by your guide. 1 Kings 19

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Don’t Miss the Disguises of Jesus

This post originally appeared at In the dream, we had to shepherd all the kids inside, because there was a strange man outside trying to lure them away from the house. And not just with penny candy or puppies. He was setting up extravagant bounce houses right in the front yard. Tall ones to climb,…

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Last night I went to church and had ashes painted on my hand. It’s tradition in some churches on Ash Wednesday to have ashes placed on the forehead or back of the hand. It’s a sign of repentance hearkening back to the sackcloth and ashes described in the Old Testament. And it’s a symbolic start…

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Shed Happens

That’s what the sweatshirt said: Shed Happens. It was an appropriate statement, as anyone who has ever worn black pants near my khaki-colored dog can attest. I was thinking of that sweatshirt the other night as my dog and I turned for home, leaving what could have been the remnants of a small furry animal…

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Earlier this week as I was passing through the student union, a lady suddenly came running toward a student walking just ahead of me. “Ma’am, ma’am!” She cried. I stepped to the side, as startled as the student who looked up from her cell phone. As I walked by, I heard the lady say: “I…

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The other night I went to the grocery store to buy ice cream.  It was on sale, and I was really looking forward to a carton of my favorite, Cookies and Cream.  Unfortunately, as is often the case with sale items, there was no Cookies and Cream in sight. Sigh. I was standing in the…

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Spring Blooms

I was taking my morning walk this morning as I usually do – with my eyes half shut.  Someplace between leaving my front door and returning is where I typically wake up.  This morning my point of waking up occurred when I was turning for home and noticed someone standing off the road taking a picture.  I…

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Interesting Message

I came across an interesting sermon on the radio last night while driving in my car.  It was interesting enough that I sat there an extra five minutes to hear the end of it.  Michael Ramsden, part of the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries team, was giving a message on the uniqueness of Christ in fulfilling…

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Duct Tape

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Janet Beagle
Meet Janet!

Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.