Living the Faith

Self Encouragement

I was having a frazzled kind of day.  Not anything in particular was going badly, I just felt somehow entirely discombobulated.  You know those days where too little sleep and too many racing thoughts start taking their toll?  I felt a bit as though a piece of me was going in one direction, and another…

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Cooking Tip #3: How to Peel a Banana

You might wonder what there is to learn about peeling a banana.  The answer will surprise you. Years ago, I was taught how to peel a banana by my Girl Scout leader.  At the time, she was working toward her degree and would often regale us with educational insights from life after high school. She…

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The RLT Principle

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21). I call this verse the RLT Principle.  This is not to be confused with the BLT, which is a delightful deli sandwich comprised of bacon, lettuce, and…

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God’s Letter to Me

I wrote a similar idea on the new resources page, but I keep thinking about it.  And thinking for me is one step short of writing.  Which brings me here.  (Lucky you.)  One of the habits I try to uphold is to read something Christian every night before I go to bed: the Bible, a devotional, an…

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Rotten Bananas

My apartment currently smells like bananas.  This is because I have a banana languishing on my counter encased in an increasingly brown skin.  It has passed the point where I actually want to eat it, but it is not quite so far gone as to be demoted to the compost bin.  What it really needs…

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Welcome, Friends!

Here’s a quick snippet about how this blog started.  I began writing monthly articles for my church newsletter in December 2009.  (Wow, time flies.)  The archive of these articles appears below this post.  Even though they all say they were posted in March 2012, they were actually written over a two year period.  This is…

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Picture this: you’re sitting at the kitchen table and need a paper towel from the roll on the counter.  Rather than simply stand up and take the one step to reach it, you try to stretch from where you are.  Why get up if you don’t have to?  Only you can’t…quite…reach…  So you scoot the…

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I have received two speeding tickets in my life.  (According to Murphy’s Law, I suppose I should add the caveat “so far.”)  The first one was well deserved.  I was driving back from a conference in Connecticut to my apartment in western New York.  I’d stopped to visit my parents and left way too late. …

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I gleaned a bit of wisdom recently from one of those “Take This Quiz” articles stamped in the midst of a check-out line tabloid.  The quiz wanted me to guess when the greatest benefit of a vacation was realized.  Before?  During?  Immediately after? Having recently returned from a vacation, I can tell you the answer…

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Do It

I am a total Harry Potter fan.  I have read every book (multiple times) and frequently find myself pondering one brilliantly penned scene or another.  Recently, I found myself contemplating the complexity of a scene at the end of book three.  A swarm of dementors are descending upon Harry and his friends, ready to deliver…

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Duct Tape

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Meet Janet!

Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.