Living the Faith

For Want of a Spreadsheet

It was a Friday evening and I was staring between two spreadsheets. It was like one of those children’s picture challenges where you’re supposed to find what’s different, only in this case the spreadsheets were supposed to match. Trying to find the difference was anything but fun. “Is this really all I have to show…

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Today’s Forecast: Stormy with a Chance of Patience

Here in New England we have a saying: If you don’t like the weather, wait a minute. It will change. When I moved to the Midwest, I learned they have the same saying. And it’s true. I’ve seen the temperature flip from near 80 to below freezing in a matter of hours. I’ve witnessed rain,…

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Crazed. Or Not. Finding Balance in the Midst of Extremes.

There is a good kind of stress. If you’ve always thought of stress as a four letter word in the plural, then this may come as a surprise. But it’s true. It’s even reasonable, once I stopped to consider it. An environment with absolutely no stress is an environment void of stimulation or purpose. As…

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Oh Well

It was not a new joke. And it was not funny the first 400 times I heard it. Then one day, years later, the unthinkable happened.

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An Act in Due Season

before you start thinking this is just another cute puppy story, let me stop you right there. During this valentine’s season when so much attention is placed on the emotion of love, let me suggest we place some attention on the practicality of love.

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Shoveling Rain

The storm started as rain. Cold and pelting. Then sluicing. Then softer. The quality of the sound changed, the texture of the rain changed, and I knew it was time for action. By the time I bundled into winter gear and opened the door, giant white flakes were soaking into the wetness. Slush coated every…

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Leadership Lessons in a Blade of Grass

There is an opportunity in between all of that to have a real impact. Here’s how.

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Advice from a Friend

No matter how clearly I can see the path of another, there is always the possibility that what I share will not actually be right for them. It might be accurate and true, but it might not be the right time, or the right lesson, or the right path for them.

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Traffic Stop

This post also appears at I’m sitting in traffic as I write this. I don’t mean the backed-up-at-a-red-light kind of traffic. I wish I could write a blog post that quickly. No, I’m talking about the “highway is closed ahead due to two semis and a truck” kind of traffic. That’s according to a…

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The Law is Gentle

I first posted this thought at Martin Luther famously said that God’s Law serves three purposes. First, it acts as a curb to prevent violent outbursts of sin. Think of a curb along a road, or a curb bit in a horse’s mouth. The law is like that barrier saying “you can come this…

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Duct Tape

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Janet Beagle
Meet Janet!

Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.