Living the Faith

Pray. And Go.

This blog was originally posted in November 2014 on Inspire a Fire, a blog site for inspirational Christian messages. Visit the original post at Sometimes we are the answer to our own prayers. There is a scene in the third installment of the Harry Potter series that I love. Harry and his friends are…

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Quotes for the New Year

Happy New Year, everyone! I have been thinking about this pair of quotes from a sermon I attended last weekend, and they seem like a great way to start the new year. 1) “We don’t know what tomorrow holds, but we know Who holds tomorrow.” The start of a new year always bring the promise…

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Debt Free

I recently paid off my student loans. With submission of that last payment, I was – for the first time in (too many) years – debt free. You might think this would result in feelings of relief, elation, excitement, happiness… You’d be wrong. Instead I was plagued by sporadic moments of irrational panic. The moments were…

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Another of my posts recently made it onto another Christian devotional website.  You can start reading and link to this post below! The best running advice I ever received was given to me before I became a runner. For years, I secretly dreamed of being a runner. I wanted to be one of those people…

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Inspire a Fire

Exciting news! I was recently invited to become a monthly contributor to a popular Christian devotion website, Inspire a Fire. My first post was launched yesterday. Check it out at (And consider leaving a comment there to let the organizers know they did a good thing inviting me!) I am so thankful for this…

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Today’s Question

“If Jesus had come to earth with the mission not of going to the cross, but to do your job, how would He do it?” It was a question posed at a recent luncheon I attended, and the ensuing conversation was thought provoking. What would Jesus do a little differently? A little better? Sometimes we forget that…

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Wild Trek

For many years now I have had this mental image from a favorite childhood book.  I would think of it at odd times while lying in my dorm room, or in my first apartment, or in all the apartments that came after.  It was an adventure novel of two men, braving the wilderness and struggling…

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The Girl on the Other Side of the Bathroom

That’s how we knew each other, my suitemates and I. Last week was my second trip to my favorite writer’s conference. (Okay, so it’s the only writer’s conference I’ve ever attended, but still.) We stayed in a residence hall with shared bathrooms between each pair of rooms; I wouldn’t trade those accommodations for anything. Walking through…

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There Are No Losers Here

I have a tragic flaw. Okay, so I have more than one, but this is the one I’m going to tell you about today. I love sports, but sports do not love me. (Sigh.) I’ve tried softball, but I tend to duck and cover when the ball comes my way. I’ve tried flag football, but…

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I Love Winter

No, I’m not being facetious. After this winter, I won’t be sorry to see spring come (although I’m beginning to suspect that spring this year means small flocks of robins chirping happily in the midst of a light snow shower. I’ve never heard birdsong in the midst of a snow storm before this morning, have…

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Duct Tape

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Meet Janet!

Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.