
Joy of Giving

One night as I was reading my Bible – I don’t recall exactly what passage, but it was one that referenced our future in heaven when we would spend our time singing praises at the throne of God – I had one of those all-American, in-the-flesh, I-can’t-believe-I just-thought-that thoughts.  I thought: what’s in it for…

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“Morel” Dilemma

I was first introduced to the concept of mushroom hunting when I lived in southern Illinois.  One of my lab mates was shocked to learn that I had never hunted deer, and even more shocked that I have never been hunting at all.  The conversation went something like this:  “You’ve never been hunting?”  She asked.…

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Our Exoskeleton

Spring is here!  I love the smell of freshly churned dirt still cool from its winter sleep, just waiting to burst forth with new growth.  And of course, it’s always nice to see the gardener’s friend, a true sign of quality soil: the earthworm. Earthworms are fascinating.  Unlike most other similarly squishy creatures, earthworms have…

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Faith is Like Colostrum

I was in a Bible study several years ago when the question was raised: how do we teach our children that God is not just an imaginary childhood character?  How do we instill in them the kind of relationship that will carry them through to adulthood?  My initial response to this is an overarching belief…

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Duct Tape

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Meet Janet!

Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.