The Girl on the Other Side of the Bathroom

That’s how we knew each other, my suitemates and I.

Last week was my second trip to my favorite writer’s conference. (Okay, so it’s the only writer’s conference I’ve ever attended, but still.)

We stayed in a residence hall with shared bathrooms between each pair of rooms; I wouldn’t trade those accommodations for anything. Walking through the bathroom and into the other room is a bit like stepping out of the wardrobe in the C.S. Lewis classic.

You knock. You step through.

And the people, the places, the stories on the the other side are just a bit magical. You meet people who (even in passing) have stories or comments or insights that touch your life. You find yourself thinking of them days later. Maybe years later.

Makes a person wonder, what doors are here in front of me that I should be stepping through? Look around… God may be tapping you to step forward.

One of the girls on the other side of the bathroom wrote a quick summary of our last night on her blog.  If you’re interested, check it out.

Peace to you. The friends here send their greetings. Greet the friends there by name (3 John 1:14b).


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Janet Beagle
Meet Janet!

Janet Beagle, PhD is the founder of The Mustard Patch. She divides her time between the Midwest and New England, and if she’s not writing, she’s probably out hiking with her 2-and 4-footed friends.